A new home, but the same feelings
There was a short, awkward silence for a moment when Clarice seemed lost in thoughts. Delilah didn't mind, though she felt a bit unfomfortable just standing there. It didn't last too long, and the wolfdog was happy to hear that Clarice also wanted to make friends, and even more delighted at the traveling invitation. She smiled. Maybe she would really get to have a friend in the wolf. "I was doing the same thing! If you're sure you're okay with it, I would love to join you!"

Delilah couldn't help but notice a bag she had completely overlooked before. She glanced from it to Clarice and back again. It would be difficult to travel with a bag as a four-legged lupus. Should she offer to carry it? Clarice seemed very protective of it....

The wolfdog had her own valuable item, too: a shortbow. It wasn't quite like Vespar's, but it was extremely similar, and she kept it as a reminder: a memorial to him, and a reason not to ever don her four-legged form again. Delilah reached for it on top of Clarice's log to take with her; there was nothing there. For a moment penic overtook her, but she took in a deep breath. She must have left it back at the tree she had slept under just the previous night. She wasn't going to act like a frantic fool in front of a potential new friend.

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