Seeking a friend or two in a still new environment

The woman was once again engaging in her favorite past time of stalking the pack lands like a black cloud of depression, anger and hatred. She hadn't eaten for a week or so, the ribs pushing out from her stomach and vertebrae out of her back were testament to this. Patched of her fur were missing and the usually fluffy and vibrant coat was lifeless and dead against her skin. Her dull eyes regarded the path ahead of her with disinterest and boredom, as her relentless pacing continued on and on, soon she would collapse from the damage she was dealing herself. The fatigue and restlessness would eventually catch up with the troubled multi colored female and when it did Jace would pay a heavy price for ignoring the basic needs of her body.

The hybrid's ears flicked with a small glimmer of interest as a howl reached her person and she vaguely recognised it as the son she had adopted a while ago. She felt a dull pain in her chest as she remembered her empty stomach and the small lives that she had failed to protect and wondered if she was worthy enough to call Roran her son. Jace changed her direction and moved towards the howl, slipping through the underbrush as silently as she could with narely a crackle of leaves or a snapping of the twigs, a ghost in her own home. Eventually she came upon playful barks and growls. The empty emotionless woman stayed in the brush line watching with her dim disinterested eyes as her son and the man she had saved from death in the snow storm played like 4 week old pups.

She had no wish to join in with the play but she would watch them and make sure no harm would come to them.

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