rippy bits

Your excitement entertains me! XD

Of course he appeared, as the morbid fae-creature had asked, and his eyes and posture appeared as if he feared her presence for the moment. Oh, and he should have. The ruddy-furred female was furious. Outraged. And he had been a source of distraction that would now feel the wrath of his often-docile woman. "If I found out you tricked me, I swear you won't live longer than you have!" The threat of death held little merit; if he wanted to defend himself, it wouldn't have been difficult. Her rage only fueled the small body with feelings of disgust, not strength. It felt wrong to say something to her gentlemanly wolfdog. She didn't know, however.

Long legs paced across the rocky plateau they stood upon, body shaking ever so slightly in her anger. "I don't care who the father to her stupid children is, Caillen, I won't let your family ruin mine!" One arm extended to point in the vague direction of the Shattered Coast, where she knew the dog-pack to live. She spoke of Alaine, and of the bastard children spawned to her by the dark King of the violent coyote kingdom. It had taken so long to find her place in the home again, and she couldn't allow the whore to ruin what she clung to. "She can't take them away from me, Caillen. They're all I have." Her steps halted, her body twisting into discomfort as she inelegantly dropped to crouch on her large, wolfish feet. Bony fingers covered her face as her distress became more apparent in the red eyes of her mother. For now, Winters was enemy. Enemies couldn't see the sadness of another side.

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