Why does it always rain on me
500+ Have permission from Mel to pp Enkiel! [html]<style type="text/css">#ásmundrdec29 b {color:#4b525d; font-weight:bold;} #ásmundrdec29 {margin:auto; width:455px; padding:10px; padding-bottom:150px; border:1px solid #fff; background:url(http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/l ... enshot.png) bottom no-repeat #8d9297; font:12px georgia; color:#bec0c3; line-height:12px; text-align:justify;}</style>

       She shook her head when he apologized. It was not his fault and he did his best to wrap the cloth gently around her foot—he had nothing to apologize for. She was grateful for the creature in her hands, for it gave her something to do other than mindless fiddling. Now when the urgency of the previous scene was gone, she felt slightly out of place here together with him. But there was no other place she wanted to be either. She simply remained uncertain of how to properly act around him. She set restrictions on herself and she hated it, but it was because she cared so greatly for the blue eyed canine currently with her. Silas was the first and only male that had caused genuine, heart-melting affection to burn in her chest, and she was unaccustomed to not having control.

She felt the unfamiliar sensation of blush lightly touching her cheeks when he smiled at her and repeated words that he had long ago. Relief and silent shame filled her. All she could do was to ponder how this could be—how little she deserved such a caring friend. The emotional strain could perhaps be noticed in her face, as she struggled to think of a response that wouldn’t be too pathetic. There was a lump in her throat that just continued to grow. No creature was perfect, but Silas was so goddamn close. The woman tried to smile, and while the curved line on her lips was genuine, it was at the same time forced. She was disappointed at the sound of approaching steps, for she didn’t like the thought of sharing the Russian’s presence with anyone, no matter the situation they were in.

Ruby gaze reluctantly abandoned the male she loved as she greeted her half-sibling. ”I cut my foot on a shard of glass,” she explained, using a hand to gesticulate toward the foot that Silas had bandaged. Her capable brother nodded and did not hesitate as he crouched next to the Russian male. After quickly investigating the wound, the male ensured her that it was nothing serious and that the wound wasn’t deep enough to prove to be a big problem. The Lykoi woman only nodded and accepted, for he was one of the few in the clan that she carried genuine respect for. He knew what he was doing and knew it well, and she would follow his instructions without questions.

With a new bandage wrapped around her injured foot, there was little reason for Enkiel to linger, and so he didn’t, offering little more than a cool farewell and a nod as she expressed her gratitude before he departed. Turning her focus back to the Russian, she felt the uncertainty return immediately. She could always express more gratitude for his actions, but she didn’t want to continue repeating herself. ”I think I will have to wait a bit before I’ll try to repair the roof,” she spoke, trying to make a joke out of it. In truth she had no intention to continue to stay in that place. It had not particularly bothered her in general, but her bedroom was full of memories she did not want to live with. The mansion was large and she didn’t own many things, so it would be a small deal to pick a new bedroom and move. Perhaps she could find a room even closer to this one.

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