Seeking a friend or two in a still new environment
Jace's words were cold, and Ookami's feelings immediately turned to anger at the mention of Lucifer. His heart lurched again at the mention of her pup's death. "Oh Jace... I am so sorry." He walked forward towards her and touched her cheek ever so gently with his nose. He felt as if his big structure would break her small fragile one. He was touched by Roran's words. If only he knew what Lucifer was capable of. But he shouldn't know, he was only a pup. "Whatever I can do for you Jace..." His voice cracked slightly and he shook his head.

He knew though, there was nothing he could do for her. He couldn't bring back her pups.. he couldn't go back in time and kill Lucifer before he killed Jace's spirit. No matter how many times the thought of going back in time entered his head he was just more disappointed when he realized that it wasn't possible. He let a few tears stream from his eyes. They were mingled with sadness and anger from Lucifer. The devil would pay. Ookami would be sure of it. He clenched his jaw. Never again would he let the beast enter his sight and leave unharmed. Never again would the black male step foot in Phoenix Valley. Never

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