Love is like war
new table for aeron

ooc.. what form is she in I'm a little lost.

Aeron smiled she was glad that she was not the only one that found roaming to be enjoyable. She however was not happy to hear that the woman was not feeling well. She however was all to fine minus her changing mental state. One minute she was content another she was sad missing the love of her life.

I am well, have you had enough to eat?" She asked as she moved herself closer. She didn't seem under fed but maybe it was her wonderful figure that hid the lack of food well. "I've been thinking a lot about my mate and daughter." She said as she gave a faint smile.

They were dead but always with her. Today her necklace lay hidden under her top why was not an answer she could give. she shifted her hair adjusting her necklace. She smiled running her hand over her necklace placing it where it should be. "Oh you know if your hungry I have some meat with me." She said. She didn't want to be rude she was doing her best as a hunter to keep members of the clan fed.



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