leave your mouth talking

Word Count › 318 Please stop shaming me with your pretty posts. :| Also powerplay herp derp, but you said he would be dragged in at the end of your post so not really?!? I dunno, you can yell at me or beat me with a newspaper (plzzz, hot) if I am wrong here. ;D Also we could prolly cap after your post or my next one, yeeeyeeee.

a dog among kings with no self control

More dissonance should have existed within Eris for her conflicting heritages -- she had lived as a coyote for most of her life, after all. It was only in these past few months within Anathema that she had begun to think of herself as a wolf. The transition had been startlingly smooth -- so easy, in fact, that the coal-hued hybrid had not realized the change even occurred at first. Eris would have expected a fight within her, some battle of epic proportion between the coyote-half and the wolf-half. It would not seem, however, that such a fight even needed to take place -- perhaps the coyote had realized it was a lie all along, or it was simply too small and weak to do battle. It had ceded quickly, and the wolf had taken dominance readily, as if it had been patiently waiting for its chance to simply assume control. Then again, perhaps she was wrong altogether in thinking of it as halves and parts -- like it or not, wolf and coyote both were wrapped up in her, intertwined too closely to ever hope to separate.

The fish was placed to the side rather gently, and Eris, having less time to react, placed hers more roughly, with just enough time to set her fish down when Sirius careened into her and sent her into the shallows, water splashing upwards and all around her. She had secured a hold on his arm and dragged him in with her, immediately rolling to try and secure the upper hand over him. Eris might have been larger than him, but she was not particularly strong. Her movement stirred the water up even more, splashing and sprays of water flying up from the river as they rolled. The hybrid vociferated her intent with playful growling, a rumbling exhultation of pleasure at the sudden play that their hunting lesson had degenerated into.

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