even angels learn how to fly

+3 :: I have no idea where this went, sorry ;-;

Each word brought with it a new expression, for her body and her eyes betrayed her true thoughts all too well. She did not lie, but she was a torrent of should-have and could-have’s that the Aquila did not wish to think of. His life was much simpler when he stepped back and put it in God’s Hands. He hoped his children would learn this too, but they were so different than him—they did not know of the Voice, they had not seen His Work in the desert. Perhaps they did not even truly believe as Gabriel did, but faith was not something that could be forced.

He remained silent and still, a painted gargoyle made to look like a wolf, and listened to her worries and her anger. At her conclusion, he remained quiet for several long moments. “I’m mortal,” he finally said quietly, well aware of how apparent this had become in the past few days. “Mortals were cursed with weakness because God gave us the power of choice. Humans were cursed with sin, and they destroyed themselves because of it. I have witnessed much evil, Talitha, and I have tried to do good in the world…but there’s wickedness in me as well.” He advanced, limping, and leaned against her taller frame reassuringly.

“My God is the God of love, but He is also the God of Wrath. So in each of us there has to be such things; but if you believe, He’ll show you the way. Your path may not be clear, but you have a purpose here.” This he believed, for if not, her damned uncle would have killed her years ago. God had kept her alive, even if she had to suffer in order to survive. It was cruel, but this too was truth; God was cruel.

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