got nothing to show
There was the brief feeling of satisfaction for the pup when his bold little assault led to the stranger moving his foot away from the blanket. Jackson smugly looked up at the older canine, feeling especially proud of the fact that he could make someone older than him do what he wanted. He was glad the older male had moved too, because he had to hurry back to show off what he had found. And now he could tell Agony about how he bravely fought to protect his treasure on his journey back! Jackson couldn’t understand why he wanted to stop him in the first place. Maybe this guy wanted to steal his treasure? Well if that was the case, Jackson would just have to headbutt him again.

The smug satisfaction didn’t last long, however. With one quick and easy motion from the other Jackson was sent sprawling down once again, an undignified whine of surprise his first reaction. After a moment the boy scrambled to his feet again, though he wisely decided against leaping to violent action once again. Instead he placed himself in a protective stance in front of the old books, doing his best to stand between them and the mean stranger. He scowled up at the other, hurt reflected in his blue eyes. “Leave me alone! It’s my treasure!” And he wasn't going to let him take it away.


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