Its fun to explore
Lyssa had spent the whole day exploring. She felt free, free from the months she spent cooped up with her insufferable pack. Now that she was a loner, she wasn't bound to anyone but herself, and she could do whatever she wanted to, whenever she wanted to. So now she decided to hunt.

The girl crouched under the shade of a tree, watching the plains, waiting for a deer or a rabbit to come. She heard the sound of a thousand hooves pounding the ground, and she scented a herd of deer. Now was the time.

Watching the herd go by, she leaped out from underneath the tree. Lyssa eyed a single, old female trailing a little behind the rest of the herd, and sprinted after her. When she was within reach, she jumped up onto the deer's back, finding its neck. She bit down hard. In seconds, the deer was dead, and the girl settled down to enjoy her meal.

She dragged what was left of the deer into a hollow in the ground. At this moment, she didn't care whether coyotes came and ate the rest of her catch or not. Girl heard a playful howl only about 100 meters away from her, and she tripped in surprise. Regaining her footing quickly, she headed towards the wound.

She wasn't expecting a giant boy just slightly older than her. Wherever she went, she had always been relatively large, but honestly, this male was gigantic. She hesitated only a moment before calling out, "Hello! I'm Lyssa..."

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