the summer obsession

His eyes lit at her words, tracing her hand greedily as she pointed out on the lightly sketched map the approximate location of the coyote clan. It was still very much a work in progress and Jenkai knew he would have to travel that way a bit in order to refine a bit of the details, but he had a start. He drew a circle around the spot she indicated and then in light letters next to it he wrote the word she had said: Inferni. He looked back to her, really taking in the damage that had been dealt. Clearly the coyote she had crossed paths with hadn’t been in a very cheerful mood. He could really see the lacerations she had suffered from and could only wish he knew healing techniques to help her out. "I’m sorry," he offered, looking back to the map. Below Inferni he began to write once more: DANGER, in big bold letters.

When she spoke of the lullaby, Jenkai’s interest was brought back to the strange song. He had always found other languages fascinating and was rather adept at picking them up. "It sounds like a lovely language – very fantastic to my ears. I’m fluent in both English and German, but I’ve always loved hearing other languages. Norwegian would be an interesting one to learn." He trailed his writing utensil along the paper to about their approximate location and drew another circle. "What is your pack called?" He asked, drawing a small box to signify the pier they were on.


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