Leaving the past behind us
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He had done a lot of work on the garden today, and was satisfied to see that the potato plants had successfully survived the transfer. Soon enough the pack would have their own herbs to harvest for medicinal purposes and that made Pilot feel as if they really were starting to become an accomplished pack. It had only been weeks since their establishment, but already he was feeling good about this. Sure, the past was still very real and the wounds were fresh, but like the rest of them, Pilot was slowly moving on. And that was refreshing.

He had stopped his work awhile ago and decided to take a break and stare up into the sky. His arms stretched over his head, still stained brown from the soil, curled under his head for support as Pilot watch the sky drain of its vibrant colors. Soon it would be dark outside, and he would retreat into his den for the night. But before that, he would need to water the plants again. He took the makeshift bucket he had made and sipped some of the water, before splashing a bit onto his hands. Rubbing them together, he managed to wash away some of the fifth. He felt rather content with what he had accomplished today and was set with turning into bed. But before he could, there was something he needed to tend to.

It only took him a few minutes to make his way to the borders and when he got there, he found the owner of the voice that had raised him from his place beside his den. He rubbed his hands together, knocking away more of the dirt before crossing his arms across his chest. This wolf, whoever they were, clearly hadn’t packed light. If they were interested in joining the pack, Pilot assumed the wolf would be well prepared in settling into a new life.

"Hello there." He called, walking down towards the scent marked border. It smelled of both he and Tayui and his thoughts quickly fluttered over the day of Shadowed Sun’s establishment. "This here is Shadowed Sun territory. What business do you have here?"


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