[j] when you mess with a demon like me
ooc: Word count=201

His howl ended just as distant thunder washed over him. Golden eyes scanned the area, hoping some wolf with enough pull to let him in was nearby so this could get over with quickly, whether or not they accepted him, he just wanted shelter. Movement was heard coming softly towards him through the forest. Breathe, just breathe. This is what you wanted. His hair bristled briefly, but as a scent similar to that of the border reached him, he relaxed his fur.

Viggo had sense enough to drop his tail and ears nonthreateningly as the grey shadow approached him. The wolf before him was larger than him, through still not as large as they come, which was a relief on a night when tension already ran high within his body.

Yessir, I'm Viggo Rhys, and... Lightning flashed again, the thunder following much quicker as the storm advanced. He drew a deep breath and shut his eyes momentarily. 'n to shoot straight from the hip, I'd love to join 'n get out of this weather. I 'pologize for the bluntness, it's just the truth. His eyes glanced from the other wolf to the sky and the back to the other wolf's paws.

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