A miracle to be blessed with...

As Jace sat with her voice being projected from her throat to call in the Phoenix Valley pack members she knew that already she was too late, that her friend was dead and had been dead before she had even arrived, that Noah no longer walked among the living with a heart that beat. Her howl stopped after what seemed like an age as Jace let all her emotions out in that single note of sound. The world seem to swim around for Jace, she could hear the blood roaring in her ears and was aware of her claws gripping into the ground, tearing up the soil as easily as Lucifer's claws had sunk into Noah's fur, there was no doubt that the black demon male had killed his son.

Jace shifted as she felt a strange heat wash over her from the side and a trickle of emotion and she knew that Noah's spirit was sat next to her. She turned her head to the heat, ignoring the blood that was soaking into her fur. A tear traveled down her cheek and the woman spoke to it quietly,

"I'm sorry Noah, I was too late." She ducked her head as more tears came. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you, i'll always love you... my brother." The woman could hear the approach of others now and her curled over ears flicked back all the way to her head and stayed there. When she had called for them she had wanted anyone to come and help now she wanted them all to go away so she could mourn her brother in peace but there were others who were of closer emotion to Noah and they had a right to say goodbye.

She answered the woman that she had first met at the same time as she had met Ty with a shrug of her grey shoulders and a quiet "I don't know." As more and more arrived the female began to feel increasingly trapped, she wanted to get away from all these people, these strangers that she didn't know that were looking at her brother with their eyes. Her muzzle wrinkled up slightly as she fought to control her sudden anger, it had no place or explanation, for each person had expressed deep concern for Noah as they arrived. His real brother arrived with a small pup in his arms and Jace wanted to scream; while some reached the end of their lives others were just beginning theirs, Jace eyed Noah's small nephew who whimpered and was glad that Noah would never know that the litter she had carried was dead and that Lucifer had brought about their deaths.

The wolfdog female looked down at Noah's calm scarred face and felt a wave of sadness came over her, the words she was about to say would forever scar these people around her, although she felt as weak as a feather in a breeze her voice was strong for all its quietness,

"He is dead, his heart no longer beats."

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