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Sorry again for not seeing this sooner! 500+ WotD: "Akimbo"

          Foreign areas generally made the Sidhe cautious, but there was something about Dahlia de Mai and the encompassing neutral territories that brought about a sense of serenity and ease she had not felt since Ireland. Also, it was fascinating how many different types of herbs truly grew in this region of the world; most of which Alae knew for a certainty that weren't native to the soils here, but over years of cultivation from the humans and from the change of ecosystems the lands were fertile with many foreign fauna. The Dahlian took delight in spending the few several days first exploring these lands to survey what she could with finding essential herbs for medicinal use. There was a small collection she possessed upon her travels, but at least here she could begin to start a meager collection so there was a seasonal supply.

          Carrying her leather bound pack with scavenged containers filled with herbs collected along the way, like living the life of a rogue there was no particular destination the Luperci and her snowy owl companion were headed toward. Kael took to his usual soar up ahead, leading the way for the duo to regions ahead. After awhile the snowy owl grew tired of his realm in the skies, and ended up resorting upon Alae's left shoulder; talons clutching rather tensely upon fur and flesh, but enough grip to where the pain from his avian claws were bearable. The two strolled in silence for quite sometime, Alae drinking in the scenery about them. Coming upon the trail of a small stream that the Sidhe closely followed, it ended up leading her to an amusing sight up ahead. Coming to a stop, her arms rested akimbo upon her hips, and her muzzle played an amused grin.

          Companion animals were endearing to watch, especially seeing a horse rolling and splashing around a stream in joy. Especially for a creature as big as a horse, it was a sight for sore eyes to see one rolling around like a canine in a stream. Kael, with his wide yellow eyes, watched intently at this too, an unreadable expression upon him (but Alae could almost assume he had to have been surprised himself at such a large animal acting silly). There was a goodhearted chuckle to come from her, and it seemed like the woman who the companion belonged to heard Alae. She was a tall woman, with a proper posture and tattoos on her shoulders and chest. One tattoo that especially caught on to Alae's interest was of the pink lotus carved into her chest, and it made the flesh by her own lotus tattoo on her upper arm tingle with remembrance. With her interest lighting up to this, Alae excused herself for being so rude on staring. "Oh, pardon me. My friend and I were trailing the stream, and couldn't help to notice how happy your stallion looks in the stream." Alae explained with a broadening grin. Companion animals always held a soft spot in her heart.


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