Jelly Beans
Liam watched as Niro came into sight. He walked over and the comment that he make caused Liam to snicker quietly as Niro kneeled down and asked his question. " Yes don't worry no trouble." He smiled at Niro and lightly wagged his tail. Liam then noticed the other bird on Niro's shoulder. Its eyes gleamed yellow as the sun and its beak also was yellow as a dandelion. The bird lost her balance and flapped her wing against Niro's face. Liam felt the wind it created and he let out a quiet chuckle. The thought of birds entered his mind. How had Niro gotten them and trained them to stay with him. Every other bird the Liam had ever seen had flown away when ever Liam came close to it. " Why does she stay on your shoulder?" he asked. The sun shone thought the tree tops and landed on them. It cascaded down onto the wings of the bird and she seemed to like the warmth. She seemed close to him having a bond as if Niro and his birds had their own special pack with in his pack. This made the birds part of the pack and Liam was grateful for having such interesting creatures around. He looked back at Niro and the feathers in his hair that must have been from his birds. They too were gleaming in the sun like the birds wings but the piercings that lined Niro's ear shone even brighter.

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