A rest in the shade
Leon started at the voice, stumbling over a small root. He hit the ground with his shoulder and rolled to his feet, searching out the owner of the new voice, his cyan eyes resting on an odd male with a raptor on his shoulder. He dusted himself off and stood up straight, rubbing his shoulder. Grinning, though it was lessened by a bit, Leon spoke up. "I... I suppose you could say that." The Timber fought with himself internally, his good mood conflicting with his missing twin. "Something... Someone. A part of myself, in a way."

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he held his grin. "Hello sir. I... don't suppose you've crossed paths with a wolf that looks similar to myself in color, have you?" He asked, his hopes rising, though tempered by the knowledge that the chances were slime. Still, he was out there to search for his stronger brother.

Leon starred at the bird of prey on the male's shoulder, knowing the danger of being unprepared near such creatures. He also pondered the the odd hair cut, and the piercings of the birds perch, curious of his appearance. The lighter male appeared to be well enough, but Leon would wait to judge for himself whether or not he would trust him.

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