[j] when you mess with a demon like me
ooc: No worries. It worked best to go ahead and do it that way.
Word count=252

A small grin crossed his face as Niro said the magic words, "dryer place". His amber eyes took in the pathway and the surroundings as they walked towards an unknown dry destination. Viggo's fear of storms was currently overriding his trust issues concerning newly met wolves. Of course, this wolf smelled of the pack, but he had learned before that it didn't matter who or what a wolf smelled like, it was what was in there eyes and hearts. Thinking back, Niro's eyes seemed normal and kind enough, perhaps he was even a family man. The faint scent of pups lingered on his grey fur, so maybe so.

Gates and a weathered porch appeared in the darkness before him. A sign read "Chien Hotel". His life as a normal wolf had taught him to avoid such things, but in his short time as a luperci, he quickly learned that things had changed. Traditions and fears that had been passed along since the time of the humans and then the rise of the luperci had caused his family and his pack to steer clear of anything left from the human world or incorporated into the luperci lifestyle. Of course, that's where his story begins; with the disregard of this rule of someone else.

As his paw struck the porch, Viggo pulled himself out of his thoughts and shook the rain from his coat. Thank ya for moving us out of tha weather. He looked around, studying the place, wondering about his future fate.

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