It burns and it shrieks; My flesh I will peel back

Talitha remained distant as she took in the verbal information given over by this 'Maki'. Kaena had adopted him, his mother had been cruel. He was a Lykoi, but it was only in name. And for once, Talitha agreed with her younger cousin. This boy was not a Lykoi, just as she would never truly be a Lykoi, regardless of her blood ties to Kaena. Crimson eyes closed, head turning away. "Bearing the name Lykoi makes life difficult, child. Halo is right; you are not a Lykoi, but if you choose to identify yourself as Kaena's son, the world will close to you." It had closed to her, and her mind had followed suit. Once marked as a Lykoi, there was no way to wind out of it. "They will accept you as time progresses. Grandmother Kaena is very wise, and if you can take the strain of our blood, there is no reason to deny it to you." She, herself, found it hard to be a Lykoi.

With all the grace allowed to her movements, she rose from the ground and tucked auburn curls back out of her face. The night had lessened around them, winter bugs managing weak noises in the shadows. She wasn't tired anymore. "Would you like to come see the Saltbrooke Inlet with me, little Lykoi?" The beach reminded her of home, though she had been so little at the time of the fire; even when they had found their new home, she had spent time on the sands of Hades' Beach, hunting invisible animals and spending time with her mother or father. Her youth was remembered as she gazed off of the shore. Without waiting for much response from the child, her feet carried her in the direction of her destination.

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