even angels learn how to fly

Just made up something in regards to the skulls. Figure it's pretty typical. This is a bit rambly. Sorry...

The words of her father were reassuring, but the woman still couldn't look past her own beliefs. No one had left her, this was true enough, but she expected it would occur soon. Faolin was gone, and Ezekiel was slipping through her fingers like sand from the beach. Gabriel was for Inferni, not for her. Blood was thick, but did not create a valid case for their ties. She had seen death to family at the hands of her father. Andrezej had suffered. Had she done enough wrong to suffer the same fate? Certainly not. At least not in the golden eyes of her father. His first-born daughter, the younger of legitimate twins and heirs, felt as if she sat upon the bottom of the world. Outcasted.

She mulled over his words in silence. Inferni was Gabriel's legacy, and she knew truth behind his words that he would not be leaving. He was also correct in his beliefs on Ezekiel. Talitha had no doubts that she would lose the golden prince to a mate, but this collie woman was another story. He had liked the puppies. He had liked her. The russet princess pulled herself away from the warmth of her father's shoulder, shaking her head. "I don't believe you would leave Inferni," she started, twisting the leather around yet another tooth. "But I don't believe it is not because of her. I know men, daddy. I'm not stupid. You're all so easy to pull around and use." Another shake of her head jostled her curls in every direction.

The mountain couldn't move him, but what if the woman relocated? She had seen wolves within Inferni in the past; Lucia Cabriel had suffered the hatred of the dark princess at one moment in time, because she was a wolf. Somehow his words did not give her comfort. Instead, they left her colder. She had never had to suffer in silence with the presence of siblings she did not acknowledge, but she would be left with no other choice were things to go the way she assumed that they would. Gabriel had made it clear that she would have no place in her home if she continued her bitter anger at these new obstacles that she believed would replace her.

And it would be so easy, as she felt she held no stock in her own family, labelled a Lykoi in respect for her grandmother. Unlike so many others, there was no pride to Talitha in the Lykoi name. Her pride came from the name de le Poer; the irony went unnoticed for the most part. A heavy sigh escaped her lungs and her weight rested against her father's side once again. "I feel like you placed me outside of yourself and Ezekiel, by giving me a name that doesn't title me your daughter. I'm more like Grandfather than either of you, so why am I a Lykoi instead?" She clung to the knowledge that Gabriel's father was an artist, information passed on by Corona when she learned her niece had forsaken the piano to play a stringed instrument like one Laurel Booth. Ahren de le Poer was a mystery to her otherwise, yet she felt a closeness that few other members of her family received. Her pride was in the name de le Poer, a family of wolves that she might otherwise have hated.

It was silly to feel distress over a simple name, though, and she was sure Gabriel had his reasons. She didn't want an answer, really. It was better not to know. "Something has been knocking our skulls to the ground. I found a few broken." Blurting out the facts was her way of cutting off Gabriel's response. Their conversation had become uncomfortable otherwise. "And someone is here who shouldn't be." Faolin's eyes, worn by their daughter, moved to watch the face of the dark King. She knew as well as he who she spoke of: a golden collie from the pack of dogs along the Shattered Coast.

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