A rest in the shade
OOc: Iknow, I know, Leo is boring XD

Leon sighed at the expected response, knowing that with such a common pelt color, he could easily get pointed in the wrong direction. Still, he maintained his good mood. "Its to be expected I suppose. My brother wouldn't stand out much as far as I remember." He replied, not wanting the other wolf to feel bad over his own problems. "No, but thank you for the thought. At the moment, I'm out here to search for my sibling, so I don't really have any other goals. But I guess I should stop here, considering the distance I've already checked." He would continue the search another day. Maybe at the mountain range he crossed to enter this area.

As he heard the male introduce himself, and his feathered companion, he gave a friendly smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Niro." He said, giving an informal bow of greeting, before turning to the hawk. "And you too Marahute." He added, tipping his head to the bird. "My name is Leon ven Liudesys. But don't worry about the entire name, Leon has been, and is, fine." He said, laughing to himself as he remembered Layla's attempt to speak his name. "So," He said slowly when he composed himself. "What brings the two of you out here?" He asked curiously.

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