Leaving the past behind us
OCC Sadra was raised in a 'colony' with no real hierarchy, so feel free to scold her for her lack of respect XD

Opening the hatch to the cage, Sadra offered up the vegetation she had found. Most of it was simply grass but she had found a few broad leaf plants. Jobe ate straight from her hand. Honey however found it much more appealing to try and pull strands of grass out of Jobe's mouth, atleast until he grew tired of this and shoved her away. Sadra giggled at the two of them. Dropping the grasses on the cage floor, She stood up and closed the cage. Someone was coming. Running a hand over her fur, Sadra tried to make sure she was presentable. In a split second decision, she quickly removed her belt and threw it in her pack.

Seconds dragged on forever and finally She caught sight of the form that was approaching. The white of his coat stood out clearly. As he drew closer she could smell the earth on him and more notably that it was partially his scent that made up the border to the lands. Shadowed Sun, it was an interesting name but seemed fitting. His question stunned her though causing her to tilt her head to the side slightly, she thought it was quite obvious why she was here. Didnt it? Or was she suppose to be a traveling leather sales man? Im looking for a home, for me and my companions. She jutted her thumb behind her towards her cart, oblivious that the rabbits were on the opposite side and out of sight.

Not sure what to more to say, or what was expected Sadra just stood there and felt like world was staring at her. Her face felt like it was on fire and his eyes felt like ice. What was she so nervous about anyways?

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