even angels learn how to fly

Though she stabbed low at him in regards to Alaine’s involvement in his health, Gabriel ignored this. He was in no mood to repeat their last fight. Gabriel moved towards another corner of the cave as she began to search for a suitable place for her artwork, lifting his head at the familiar name. His eyes went distant and his body settled onto his haunches, knowing the story would be long. It was part of the reason he had never told them about the war.

“Well,” he began, tilting his head slightly as he sorted through the memories. “A lot of that’s due to what I did. When I left Inferni the second time, I left to find God. So I wandered, and I eventually found my way south. Scintilla was a place that belonged to coyotes and dogs, most of whom shared our faith. One of my closest friends, he was a preacher—oh, you should have seen him talk. That coyote could move mountains with his words,” Gabriel laughed lightly at the idea, picturing the small coyote.

“Unfortunately, Scintilla was not a peaceful place. They allowed me to stay because I could fight. War belonged in the desert, you see.” Gabriel shifted uneasily and settled onto his belly, giving his shoulder a rest. “Wolves had come from the north, and they thought they had a right to the place. It was brutal. In the end we chased the wolves all the way to the sea on the other side of the world.” Then came the fire. He hesitated speaking of this, knowing his daughter was sharp and would potentially see the connection between the first fire and the one that had struck their old home.

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