even angels learn how to fly

Amber eyes refocused, sharpening, as she spoke of her own childhood. She did not remember the house they had lived in, did not remember that shore. It was for the best. Gabriel knew that Hell’s Coast would have recovered by now, but there was no reason to cross the mountain again. At the talk of Halo’s assertion of her own superiority, Gabriel snorted bullishly, baring his teeth in the process. “Halo and her brothers are the sons of a blood traitor, who defended a wolf and attacked his own family. She has proved herself to us since then, and she has no right to expect you would do any less.”

The coy-wolf turned his face back to her, those hawkish eyes betraying the cruelty within him. “Lykoi’s have a tendency to wander. Your grandmother left many times, and I left as well. It’s narrow-minded to believe someone would remain in one place their whole life—we are not bound until something makes it so.” In his case, Kaena’s final departure to chase down a child. It might have saved many if she had just let the girl leave.

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