Sticks and Stones

Belly full with scrumptious deer, Umbra had left Tawny behind, heading westward to where the freak coyote had mentioned that other wolves had been gathering. The sun still shone down through the foliage above him, creating patterns of light and shadow on the path he walked. The forest around him was quiet, birds and small animals preferring to stay at a distance. And that's why the sound and scent of another canine reached him at the same time. And then he saw it.

He stopped, staring at the creature and not knowing whether to be horrified, intrigued or disgusted. It was obvious, this time, that it was one of those shape-shifting freaks he was dealing with; not only was it walking on two legs, but it was covered with some sort of extra pelt (infested with twigs and leaves) and carried a bundle by its hip.

Bright Luna, Umbra thought. How was he supposed to deal with this? Perhaps he could just pretend he hadn't seen the other, and just... sneak past? Yes, that would maybe be best.

So that's what he attempted, acting casual as he walked on and hoped the other male wouldn't take notice of him.

"This be speech."


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