Murderer of a Murderer

WC: 376 OOC: Wheee!

Shawchert felt bad he let out the growl, but he couldn’t help it, to do something as what Argul had done, defiling the already dead... it was just as bad as murder, and to disturb the dead pups’ bodies, it was twisted, insane, Niro was glad the man did not pass on his genes. At least he hoped he hadn’t. At Jace’s answer he smiled.

“I’m glad, if you could find some wood, and some brush to start the fire, i’ll get the rocks so that he does not burn down the forest too.”

That would have been ironic, to start a forest fire just to send off Argul, and never to be haunted by him again. He was about to get up when she said something about a spirit, and looking down he wondered if he’d seen his son. Demetrius looked up at Shawchert and shrugged but said nothing, the boy was indifferent about what was going on right now, only staying as close as he could to his father as possible, turning to Jace he wondered if he should tell the truth or not... but the man couldn’t really lie not to her, the one who’d made absolutely sure Argul could never kill again.

“Yes I know”

But he would not elaborate, standing up he started searching for big enough rocks that would suit for a good fire pit, Demetrius hesitated only a second before he moved over with Shaw, who was now piling up good rocks to put around the disembodied head. How ironic, he thought, to see his son’s murderer to have such a fate as his own son, though Shaw would have liked to see the man’s entrails being torn apart by coyote’s he wouldn’t get his way in that. Once he was finished he started putting the rocks around the sack, the stench getting to his nose and he had to rub it every once in a while until he was done. He waited for Jace before searching his back for his flint, the easiest way to produce fire, and there was plenty of the rock around that would cause such sparks to happen. Or he would have difficulties creating fire.

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