Under the Fool Moon

OOC/WC: 500+

There was something intensely freeing about walking about during the night hours, the world seemed to stand still and you could almost believe time itself had stopped completely. The Spanish man's eyes glowed in the moonlight, the white coloring like two lamps shining into the night. The man was of two minds of where to go on his nightly walk, he could patrol the borders keeping away from from the inhabitants of AniWaya like he had done for the last few weeks or he could make the effort to be social and get to know his new pack mates so that he could introduce his daughter, his Analise to them and actually have something to know about them. His ears twitched to and fro as darkness sounds echoed through the stillness.

With a wanting for change from his nomadic lifestyle the man set off towards the stables hoping to meet one of the others who looked after the horses and cattle and wondering if they could share experiences and stories. His daughter was safe in his brother, J'adore's home and was sleeping deeply surrounded by the world of her dreams. León smiled fondly as he thought about his daughter as he did almost constantly and meandered along his way humming to himself in one of the languages he knew. The first sign he had that his night was going to take a turn for the worse was a faint cry of fear and pain that reached his sensitive ears. The man picked up his pace, sprinting towards the sound at a fairly quick pace which coincidentally came from the direction of the stables.

As he neared the source he heard a child's voice calling out for help, at the same time a frantic whinny came from the stables, it was Faith. She always knew when he was close by and she was calling out for him to help the injured girl too, her voice carrying out into the night and León translated the Spanish low speech "Come quick! come quick! Lion of The Stars, There is a girl, she hurts, she is wounded, she bleeds, Come quickly!" and he responded to the concerned inky black mare, "I come! I come, Faith of The Stars, I move with haste, my breath is short and fast." The Stables came into view and he flew past them, a hurrying neigh following his heels like a puppy chasing its tail. His feet pounded at the night chilled ground and the brown male with the white eyes wishes he was as quick a runner as his brother.

He skidded to a halt next to the child who's voice he had heard crying for help and the woman who had been injured. Nearby he could hear the sounds of a horse and put two and two together, she had been riding and had fallen or been removed by the horse. León kneeled down next to the fallen female and tried to asses the damage done to her, keeping her spine and neck straight in case of vertebrae damage. He turned to the child who looked no older than his own daughter and spoke to her while still checking the injured,

"My name is León Austral, what is the female's name Chicka?" His worry caused his voice to become more accented than normal and he hoped the little she wolf could understand him fully.

León does. "León speaks." León thinks.

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