Love is like war


Aeron felt that she could become more connected to her pack mate who was in the same situation. Neither of the women were ready nor fit for parenthood. She thought to her self about things they could do. Maybe the two could help each other maybe she could give up her privacy and quite to be closer to the pack and the woman. "Maybe we could help each other out." She said as the woman finished. "Maybe there could be a way for the two of us to take care of the young together. I know nothing of child birth or raising nor do you really you say you have no time and with my traps i have plenty." She said. The idea was not perfect and she didn't know about the woman's mental issues.

Aeron agreed that hunting and trapping were the same thing. "I agree with you but try telling hybrid that. he thinks its a cheap trick and not hunting." She said rolling her eyes. There were things about the man that made her angry but then there were things that made her happy it was him who she slept with.

"I'm glad your son would help us." She said she could use this time to improve her cooking skills. Aeron had only cooked once and it made her mate sick. She hated the fact that cooking was so hard. "I can dry meats but thats really it. Cooking not my thing but I could help. I bet between the two of us we could keep the pack fed. Though rabbit, and other things like racoons will be the meat. Maybe your son and I can try to catch some birds?" She said. She had never tried to catch birds.



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