Finally. Some peace and quiet?

Sounds like a plan. Teo gives Alaki a gift. <3 Also; touch pp's are fine. I hereby grant you permission from here on out to do so without asking.

Matteo lost himself for a moment. He listened silently as Alaki told him off, crossing his eyes to try and focus on the finger invading his personal space. As the taller male finished off with how Giuseppe couldn't pull off the hairless look, Teo let out a tiny giggle again. So innocent.

He closed his eyes and hunched his shoulders as Key played with his hair at first, but slowly he eased into enjoying the feeling. It was a guilty pleasure, but Teo loved it when friends or relatives played with his hair. It reminded him of being groomed as a pup, that gentle touch that meant him no harm. Matteo's hair was soft, sure, but his scalp and skin were sensitive. Each touch eased him slowly into such a relaxed state that when Alaki suddenly spoke up again, Matteo actually started, eyes snapping open again.

Oh great, I've given him ideas. Despite the thought of his brother becoming the victim, Teo smiled. When Alaki winked down at him, that smile became a sort of mild smirk, tail twitching near the tip. When the company stood, that smile faded into a look of very mild disappointment. He'd just gotten comfortable!

"What were we discussing again?" Matteo, despite his broken status, was still very much a Trovato; pranks were worth every bit of hurt, if it meant a good laugh was to come. Teo loved laughing; he still felt slightly bubbly from before. Alaki was also quickly, so very quickly, rubbing off on him. The thought of acting out was a tempting one, as it always was to the poor Albino. No doubt Alaki would get the poor lad into a lot of trouble... but somehow, Teo hadn't a doubt that it would be worth every scratch.

"I suppose you will be leaving, then?" He glanced at the door, then back at Alaki, almost sounding disappointed. Their meeting had been short lived, but Teo had work to do, and Giuseppe would be home soon. He wanted to get this necklace done first. "Before you go... something..."

Suddenly the boy was sitting up, searching the bed almost desperately. Finally, he seemed to find what he was looking for. He held up an intricate cross-weave necklace with black beads and the usual colored hemp. It was a finished product, and very nice, with an adjustable neckline. "A gift. You complimented my work. You are the first packmate to notice. I thank you." Was that a blush coloring the boy's face under that thin white fur? He held it out as if afraid Alaki wouldn't take it, or else he'd strike out. So timid. "It... It matches your hair."

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