it's hard with such a history

He did not yet know what he wanted from the silvery creature with the fluttery heart and eager song. They remained day and night, and this would never change. Perhaps this was all some wicked experiment he was administrating, using himself as well as her. But he didn’t think he had the required curiosity or effort to do such a thing. But a young mind had to wonder, and his curious was likely the only thing that kept them connected. There was a pull from China too, of course, but Itachi would never commit an act against his own will. Would there be a time when he had to face a superior with a no? It was likely to happen; for while he was settling in here, slowly but surely, a chain of true loyalty and dedication had yet to close around his throat and capture him. He was free, and forever would be. He was the one making the choices, even when others thought they made them for him.

The calm voice brought no change to the boy’s silent shell, but his mind wondered. What did Sirius see, he wondered. But thoughts would not linger on the man’s words without more than that, and he moved on to the question that was asked, though acknowledging the feeling of hollow hunger roused by the scent of weeping blood, cold or not. The question the older canine had asked had already been answered, but Itachi would repeat the one difference that should forever keep the two young souls apart. ”She is a dreamer,” he answered, watching a blood smeared claw run through smooth muscle. This was a fine, young specimen. He knew why the eggshell blue captivated him so. China’s eyes could see what he could not. Her world was two combined. She saw things as they were and how he could be. He could not follow her even if he wished to. Perhaps that thought should have burdened the young prince, but if it couldn’t be fixed, one had to accept it. He did.

A slight nod was given by a swift, bobbing muzzle draped with the traditional splash of colour to reveal his blood’s connection to the Lykois. Yes, Anathema was too dark for a creature of the light, and he did not wish to murder such a precious little being. There were enough evils in the world for her, and she would quickly wither without the sun’s caring caress. The last comment served him was peculiar. No doubt it succeeded at sharpening the younger male’s attention. Bloodied shades had all the patience in the world as they slowly climbed up to investigate poison jade. His constant calm could be views as a most magnificent skill, but the simple fact was that it was a fault in the male. People grew uneasy around him over time, and he believed he understood. But he did not care enough to make adjustments to his personality, for he depended on no one.

Was it a shame that he couldn’t keep the silvery female? ”Perhaps,” but he could not let thoughts drift and imagine another reality. For some it was a simple thing to let imagination soar, but for him it was not. Why dream about a different world when one was forever trapped in this one? ”It is as it is,” he continued, for he had accepted this long ago and had no desire to rage at the world. Sunset eyes lingered on the man’s green, for he had to wonder if the man was trying to get somewhere. There was no such thing as idle talk, and he pondered about the nature of Sirius’ motivation to speak of the topic in such a manner.

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