What is This Thing I Have Discovered?

Word Count → 316 :: trolololo

'Good', Io said with a sturdy nod. 'You have natural talent, but... your posture is all wrong' her voice became distressed with frustration by then time she had finished her sentance. Frowing, Io shook her head, 'You crouch?!' Her tone gave her an air of confusment, his posture was all wrong and it bugged the life out of Io. 'Let me help you', the Madam moved closer. Positioning herself at the golden male's side. A silm white hand pressed against the middle of his back and another hand pulled the male's broad shoulders back. 'Thats better 'Dużo, dużo lepiej'. She nodded to herself, congragulating herself mentally on her work.

She was happy of what she had done, yet something wasn't right. His neck and head were still crouched. 'Aha!' she shouted as she figured it out. She looked up at him, there was no way he would reach that high up. 'Hmm'. Io pulled the chair she had been sitting on earlier to the brute's side and mounted it. Now she was tall enough to position his head correctly. She harsly pulled his neck backwards slightly and lifted his chin up. 'There' she sighed as she jumped down from her perch. 'All better, eh?'.

Io crossed her arms and frowned, she leant against the shed wall and spoke, 'Now, isn't that easier? You can breathe better that way'. The woman smiled in pride, more at her own handiwork than Ookami's position. 'Now' she instructed, wiping the smile from her face, returning to her usual stone stare. 'Sing, the same verse so I can compare better'.

The woman twirled a section of mane in her hand, 'If you do a decent job I can teach you another song'. She knew which one was best, this time she woud sing one she was better at. If he thought that was good, wait til he saw one of her better ones.

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