Can't Resist; Don't Want To Believe It..
OOC: feel free to poke me if you disapprove of this post. +

Krystalle had explained to him quickly that the she would not be able to explain what's wrong with him when he was mean to the puppies. Mars frowned and looked at the table. He knew she was right, that if an adult could barely wrap their head around Mars being more than one person, then how the hell was a puppy supposed to understand? Mars did not find an answer, nor did he really find a solution, but he did have a problem with not being there. All he knew was that he was not going to leave like his father left him. His mother had hated him for his father's departure, and so that they were mentally there unlike Mars was. Or at least, he would be able to be there to stop Krystalle from torturing them like his mom did to him. (he didn't think that she would hurt them, but there was an off chance that she too might flip her shit; or at least he thought so.) So Mars still held his ears flat on his skull. Uhm.. he spoke, trying to find words, but of course not starting off really strong, not since he was still slightly stunned. There was only one thing he was certain of. He wanted to be there.

I want to be there. I didn't have a father, and I want them to have one. This...I know.. the man spoke, pausing for a moment. I know that I'm not perfect. he whispered, his tongue nervously moving across his lips before he had opened his mouth to speak. I just...I don't want them to suffer without one.. the man spoke, looking back up to Krystalle and her pink eyes. He didn't know what else to say really about it. He didn't want all of this to happen but it was happening and there was nothing he could do about it. He sighed lightly. I don't know anything else.. he admitted, his arms being folded on the table and then he leaned down and put his head on his arms. His long hair had covered his steel eyes with this movement and he let out another sigh before the tea pot that was on the stove finally started to whistle with the steam coming out of the pot. He got up immediately and moved over to the stove. His posture was still pathetic, his normally curled tail still in between his legs and his ears still pulled back on his head as he stood there taking the pot from the stove and putting it on the counter. He then would silently move to get his mint tea leaves and he put it in the pot to let it soak. He then grabbed the only teacup that he could find. He didn't know what happened to the other one. Krystalle...Where's our other teacup? the man asked, cocking his head to the woman, his steel eyes turning to look at the woman, his pupils rather narrow on the woman for some reason or another.

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mall fonts; text-align:right;">present personality: Mars Russo
Word Count: 511

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