You Certainly (J)est

FAIL ON MY LIFE! D:< I had a complete blackout and forgot to finish his joining thread! AND GEN REMINDED ME! Someone! Hit me with a giant bucket! >:S ... This can be the last post or if Meghann wants to post again, go ahead >_> I'm gonna ask for this to be archived on the 26th >.< Forgive the short post: Tired, been writing for 3 straight hours--long story--and I wanna go to bed TT-TT

Noss quirked an eyebrow at Strel's comment on the children. "Was there a baby-boom while I was gone...?" he asked, although he wondered, briefly, if Strel had ever yearned for children. Well, he's certainly not getting any out of me, he mused as a private joke to himself, only snorting aloud to hint as to what his mind was thinking. Personally, if he ever found a quiet, mess-free, worry-free pup, he wouldn't mind watching it. The problem was finding one such miracle child.

From beyond the borders came the Cour des Miracles King, looking nonetheless lacking of power in his natural form. It was a scent thing; most wolves knew their places of rank by smell alone. This was no different. "It's true," Noss continued. "That is, if you'll have me." There was always that chance that Vigilante would not take him; that Noss would be rejected on principal or odd reason alone. He didn't know, and did not make the rules. But if that did happen? What would he do? He had been sent into mandatory exile from his old pack and had left everything for Strel and Cour des Miracles. He had no fear that AniWaya would be welcoming with Ralla there, just wouldn't be the same; not a lick close. Noss puffed out his gray chest, a normal thing for him to do as reassurance if he was ever unsure of anything; it was a natural inclination for a male wolf to do when trying to prove a point. Would it help him here? Actually, it would probably tell the king he was still arrogant. But hey; why lie to your future alpha?

Warrior walks. "Warrior talks." Warrior thinks.

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