If I Die Today.. Will They Care Tomorrow?
WotD: "Marginalia" 500+

          As wise as the Sidhe's words might have sounded to this woman, they were only used for the real value of comfort and nothing more. There was truly no telling what happened to your soul after anyone died; only the dead knew of such a thing, and they kept tight grasp of that secret of the universe. It was her culture and the passing of her grandmother's beliefs down to her from books of human's time and the scribbled marginalia of these books that seemed to offer some sensible insight as to how this world worked; that made the most sense out of the rest of theology that was out there in the world, and it was the belief that Alae tended to agree with the most. The white veiled woman before her was speechless, and Alae didn't expect her to dive into a religious or spiritual debate with her. It appeared like the woman was taking consideration into Alae's words to her, and the Sidhe would grant her the patience necessary to make sense of them. She still kept her hand on her shoulder while she could, in a tender motion to let her know she was still here behind her, still there to listen.

          In an abrupt motion the woman rose to her height and turned around. Alae could now see the better details of her tear stained facade, and noticed the blue tattoo of swirls around her eyes that mimicked the tattoos of swirls upon her body. The coordinated lovely with her sky blue eyes, in which Alae smiled softly for the fact that her eyes almost nearly matched her own. The Sidhe was suddenly captured into a tight embrace, and her body refused to stiffen. Welcoming the embrace, she returned the gesture, and pet her softly behind her ears as she cried into the nook of her shoulder. It was alright, for tears were a sacred thing to share, and very personal. This was a Luperci's most vulnerable moment, and Alae would be there for this stranger to be the receiver to whatever the young woman wanted to vent.

          Seeing as how the woman didn't exactly realize her sudden actions, she pulled away flustered. She was still questionable whether or not something would actually be affected by her disappearance, and Alae nodded gently, continuing to smile softly. "Of course. We all have a part in this world, no matter how small it may seem. We all make a difference in something or another." Alae spoke. Up until this point, the conversation was vague, and she tilted her head to the side in question. "What seems to be bothering you the most? I can understand if it's too personal to talk about with a stranger. Perhaps I can help you shed some light on something in particular…?" Alae questioned, deciding to take the chance to see what was the exact reason of this woman feeling the way she did.

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