It's too bad

The words did not solve the puzzle that was forming in Cer’s head, yet she could tell that whatever it was, it upset Colibri greatly. Moving closer to her friend’s side, Cercelee laid her head against Colibri’s side, listening to the struggled breathing. Cercelee let some time pass in silence as she stood by her friend and mulled over the words Colibri had spoken. So, was it true then that Haku could indeed be dangerous? Why else would Colibri have any reason to fear him? Well, so long as Colibri was in this pack, Cercelee would not allow Haku long term access inside it’s borders. Strange to think that the first wolf that she would deny access to would be her own cousin, one of the males would had seen her through her own childhood.

Still, the information was lacking. If Haku was truly capable of doing harm, shouldn’t Cercelee be aware of it? Nudging Colibri encouragingly, Cer spoke again, soft and easy.Has he done something before? Is there something more I should know about him? It seemed that Haku had his sights set here, at least so long as his sister resided. Surely Colibri wouldn’t hold back anything important, would she? Still, Cercelee had asked the question in such a tone that implied that Colibri needn’t answer if it was too hard on her. If that was the case, Cercelee wasn’t sure that she wouldn’t be sickened by the answer in any case.


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