A rest in the shade


Niro would have never allowed the bird to eat his son, and doubted she would, she was a part of the pack, and she knew who was who, and that meant no eating of family members. Ever... then again he remembered what he read about golden eagles... how they would eat their siblings. That sent a cold shiver down his spine, but he doubted she would do that, though he was sure to keep a very close eye on the bird. She did know how to hunt on her own, so that was a good thing.

“It is hard being a father, but all those hardships are paid off when you see that look in your childs eyes, and know that you’ve got something.”

He could not really say that they would surely grow up to be good, kind wolves, for his elder daughter wasn’t the best pup in the world, and though he tried to take care of her, she was wild, and would stray all the time. He hated himself for this, that she could walk all over him the way she did. He tried to be firm, but that would also mean she’d have to talk to him, and she barely uttered a word to him these days.

“Ah I have head of Crimson Dreams, is it nice there? I am from Cour des Miracles.”

He said, wondering what it would be like to live in another pack. He was too use to this one. He didn’t think he could ever move again, they had taken him in even though he was nothing but a boy who could barely do much, but he had come a long way in the pack with their help and was now a true and loyal member. He would never leave, and he proved that when his sister offered him a place in a pack with her. He refused, knowing the miracles pack was his home, though it divided his family.

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