Putting the past behind me...

Out of Character

Coding by Sie - WC: 421

¬.¬ He's a helpless idiot and a drunk. Feel free to laugh at his attempt at flirting xD

In Character

Relief flooded through him when no probing questions regarding his past came, and he allowed his posture to relax a little. If Nayru had asked, he would have told her and no doubt she would have looked poorly upon him, refused his plea to join her pack. He was not proud of his previous accomplishments; for he had none, and he was hoping to change, to become a better wolf. That was one of the other reasons why he had left D’Arte; no one knew him here, here he had a chance to start afresh.

If he’s stayed at D’Arte, he may have gotten to know the members, settled down within one of the houses… but he’d always be haunted and reminded of his actions. Not that what he did was that big of a deal, but to him it really mattered and he was ashamed of his behaviour, and it was just bad luck that Skye had been the one to find him in the lake. Maybe I was meant to die then, for there is no good I can do living, I have no purpose in life….

Such thoughts had been a plague to him ever since his sister had saved him during the storm. Within D’Arte he was useless and spent his time wondering the surrounding areas and drinking. Throughout his life, he’d always been confident of himself, sure of what he was doing and enjoying every waking moment; now, he wasn’t so sure. Even if he was allowed to join Dahlia de Mai, did he have it within him to make something of the life his sister saved? Won’t know till I try..

“A home, a fresh start, somewhere I can prove myself useful; that is what I would wish to gain” he spoke the truth, taking a moment to figure out what he can offer the Alpha in return. “As for what I can offer…” he paused, a childlike grin spreading across his lips, “For you, I can offer my body and my ever charming quirky remarks?”. Surprisingly, he’d watched his mouth up until that moment, but since he was honestly asking to join, he thought he might as well give her a hint to what his ‘honest’ personality was.

“Regarding my skills, I am a capable hunter like most and I can sing. I’m also a good all rounder, give me instructions and I’ll follow them” and I’ll also willingly occupy the females, and teach all the guys how to gamble, he finished to himself.

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