I changed by not changing at all

Try was a fickle word. Others had tried, and others had failed. Gabriel could not help but have a grim outlook when he had seen so many others who had spoke so proudly. Many had died trying to become great, and many more had fled when the pressure amounted to be too much. The expectations of the Aquila were high because they needed to be. How would his clan fare if another Haku rose? What would they do if war came from a pack who was made up of warriors and not misled fools?

Doubt, always doubt. Gabriel’s face darkened and he almost missed her question as his mind turned over and over on itself. He blinked. “As best I can,” he commented grumpily, well aware she would not miss the way he walked. Any fighter could tell the wound had affected him; only the healers knew truly how dire his situation was. “I’m not going to be able to act as I have, Halo,” Gabriel went on, pausing to look back at the quickly vanishing mansion. It was a faded relic amongst the trees, and could barely be seen from where they were. This was what he wanted. Sharply, and almost cruelly, his focus turned back to her. “But you’ve noticed that, I’m sure.”

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