[M] My Brother Comes To Me

OOC here!

Word Count → 000

The two siblings were in the middle of a heated argument when the stranger arrived. 'This is why I left, you and Mama never let me have any independence', 'Mama would have given you your damn independence if you stopped being such an idiot!','I never acted like an idiot when it mattered!', 'I meant all the ti-', 'Who the hell is that bint watching us!?'

The pair stopped fighting, to stare at the intruder. Galileo, always one for an agressive welcome made a sharp growl and spoke first, 'What d'you want and who are you?' Galileo's accent was thinner than his sister's, and due to him using English more than her, he also rarely used terms like 'did not' and 'am not'. Shortening them to 'didn't' and 'ain't'. Something which infuriated Io none stop.

The woman's greeting was less aggressive but far from soft. 'What that asshole is trying to say is, who are you?' The woman struggle to pronouce 'asshole', her thick accent tainting the sound of the word sound like 'azhol'.

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