Putting the past behind me...

Out of Character

Coding by Sie - WC: 393

xD Sadly, that just makes her more interesting/entertaining to him...

In Character

Standing upon the borders of a pack he barely knew, speaking with the leader of said pack, he should have been nervous, cowering before the leader, begging for his acceptance; for that was what he believed all leaders wanted from him. Someone who obeyed and had no will of his own, a pet who did as he was commanded and didn’t cause any trouble.

Yet, there he stood. Relaxing more and more by the minute and finding himself intrigued by the young leader; her reaction to his comment, her atmosphere and the way she held herself. Despite the others rejection of his subtle hinting, he was not deterred, for he was always up for a challenge. But now was not the time to try again and so he settled with a simple “Shame, but the offer always stands” in response.

At the mention of an opportunity to prove himself, his ears perked up and tail swayed steadily behind him. Eagerly, he listened as she spoke, taking in her every word and moved along with her. When Nayru mentioned the destruction of houses, his thoughts were cast back to D’arte and the damage that had occurred there. Yes, the storm had destroyed much.

“Hrmm, a church huh?” he eyed the female, humour filling his expression. Had she not realized how her words could be interoperated? Grinning, he held back on any smart remarks, but noted the location in case he choose to visit the female once he’d settled in; for round two. Rejection didn’t stop him, on the contrary; it encouraged him to keep trying until he won… or got chased of from pack lands. “And I shall try my hand at rebuilding” his head dipped slightly, in agreement to her words; before, when he was a loner, he had repaired his own cabin and should be capable of doing so again.

“Is there a difference between the two towns? Such as the amount of damage that occurred during the storm and the style of housing”, he inquired, partly out of genuine interest, but mainly to keep the other talking and to learn as much as possible about her and her views; did she prefer one town over another, care more about a particular house being damaged than the town as a whole. You never know when suck trivial information can come in handy..

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