Another Freindly Meeting
FUNFUNFUNFUN. Big Grin This is probably the longest post I've ever written; there is absolutely no need to match, because I can't match this myself for the most of it. Tongue Feel free to skip the first two paragraphs and skim over the rest; Slade pretty much saw Jaden and then spied on him for a little while.
WC: 909

Slade had been spending more time around the borders than he would have liked to admit. The last time he had encountered someone in his pack had been weeks ago already. He would always have a somewhat reclusive personality, but this was ridiculous. The coyote knew the reason for this, of course. Rather than being a good pack member and keeping a sharp eye out for enemies or socializing within the borders, he was spending his time closer to Ethereal Eclipse. He had to admit that he felt rather awkward in his pack. Everyone he had met so far was an optime. He was learning how to read thanks to Krystalle, and during every lesson he was reminded of how he was just a regular canine, couldn't shift, couldn't write, yadda yadda yadda. He had no desire to "fit in", but he wanted to be able to spend his time doing something that wasn't hunting for himself or telling himself a story to pass the time.

Still, after being in Cercatori d'Arte for four or five months, the idea of leaving had never struck his mind. The place was just too familiar to him. Besides, he had only encountered two wolves who he didn't particularly like within the borders: Bao and Arwen. Arwen was just plain mad, and Bao was prejudiced. Prejudice. Slade hated that word - ironically making him prejudiced against prejudice, which he never tried to wrap his mind around for long - especially after meeting Jaden. That black wolf just symbolized prejudice as far as Slade was concerned. His scar had been healing well, and because of his long fur it was still hard to see - though the fur around it was gone - and his slight limp had long vanished. He hoped to never see Jaden again, and so far he had succeeded. They had lest met during, what, winter?

Slade just so happened to be thinking about Jaden when the scent hit his nose. Someone could have thrown a rock at him out of nowhere and he wouldn't have been so surprised. Why the heck was Jaden, of all wolves, near the border? The coyote would liked to think that the wolf had returned crawling back with an apology, but unless someone had given the obsidian male a harsh beating something told Slade that Jaden could never be humbled.

Then a disturbing thought struck him. Slade knew that there had been a series of attacks within the pack recently, and though the offender had been banished, what if it happened all over again? That was another reason for his hesitance to socialize in the pack: paranoia. Even after being told that it was all over, Slade knew that he was a vulnerable target if anyone else started a killing frenzy again. His only defenses were his claws and his teeth, and he lived alone. With Jaden only a short walk away, Slade wondered what was going on. If that black wolf wanted to join the pack, he was surely plotting against the coyote. Slade regretted ever saying which pack he lived in.

Part of him wanted to run, but Slade held his ground. Again, he was being foolish, but this time it wasn't pride keeping him nearby. It was a will to keep Jaden away from his pack. Unsocial with them or not, he still felt an overwhelming desire to keep them safe from threats like Jaden, who would attack simply because someone wasn't being submissive. And this probably meant he wouldn't be fond of Shawchert, who was the pack's leader.

So Slade, trying to harden his nerves, started to follow Jaden's scent trail. He felt like he was stalking a mouse--a really big, dark-colored mouse with a dagger. He had to ignore how funny that picture was in his mind and focus on creeping after his longtime enemy.

Then he completely froze. Spying on the wolf through some bushes, Slade nearly toppled over from shock. Jaden was a lupus, the very kind of canine that he despised. If it hadn't been for the overwhelmingly familiar smell, Slade would have walked away and dismissed Jaden as a loner. Never in his short life had he ever thought he would see Jaden walking around on all fours. Even more, he had a limp - a limp! - when he walked.

A smile tugged at the corners of Slade's mouth. Part of him wanted to run out and start taunting Jaden, but his sensible side kept him put. The wolf was probably a great fighter even when on all fours, unlike the small coyote. Of course, Slade knew he couldn't spy for long; he had a feeling that it was easier to smell when one was in their lupus - ah, natural - form, and he didn't want to be the victim again.

Instead, he went with the route of revealing himself without being arrogant. Walking out behind Jaden, hoping to give the wolf a surprise, he said, "Hello, Jaden. Didn't think I'd see you so soon." He had to fight to keep a smirk out of his voice; he couldn't help it, when he was more evenly matched with his enemy. Instead he tried to keep his voice as serious as possible, as if he was dealing with Jaden as an intruder, for the first time. "Haven't seen you in a while. You look different; did you do something with your fur?"


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