A crow's cry

WC: 288
Bah, boring post :')

Book in hand; he followed the other out of Liev’s room. Without a doubt, they could not practice within the confines of Liev’s room… no matter how much fun he could have had with ‘accidentally’ destroying some of the Anzu’s property. What can he say? Even though Liev had helped him in the situation with J’Adore, and was helping him again… he still held a grudge.

“You can see how well that ‘background knowledge’ served me last time. It’s all nonsense and impossible to apply in a real situation” especially if you loose your temper, the last part he thought to himself. Moving forward, the two walked out of the cave system and into the trees, heading for a clearing where they could practice without destroying anything.

Weaving through the trees, he cast his mind back to the book he had read before, refreshing his knowledge on it so that if asked, he could answer the necessary questions. Overall, the book had lightly touched on places to aim and the best angles and such to cut with, complimented with form combinations to disarm, immobilize and kill and the necessary grips to complete certain tasks. None of which had made a lot of sense to him at the time, but with the help of Liev, he may finally understand how to properly use the weapon he carried.

As he emerged into the opening, the young Dasa took in his surroundings; all around were trees, a small stream passing through the far left part of the opening, but overall the ground seemed smooth enough. “This place should work?” he looked to the other, to see if he agreed or if they would have to continue searching for a suitable location.

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