It's too bad
The warmth from the female next to her was soothing, and Colibri’s muscles tensed even more. She was given a slight nudge, and Cercelee asked if there was any necessary information she should know when it came to the son of her co-leader. Colibri did not know, because she had no idea what Haku had gone through. Apparently he had a daughter, and he had taken care of Cercelee and Colibri ’Junior’ for quite a few months. Apparently things had gone all right then, so maybe it was just something that had snapped when he had tried to end his mother’s life. Truth was, she could not remember anything of the day it had happened, just that she had woken up, feeling more dead than alive, buried under a thin layer of leaves. It was so odd. Had she been right to turn him away?

It had seemed as he did not know what she was talking about, but the marks that was hidden behind the white Rosea’s pelt was from him. There was no doubt. ” I believe he is ill,.” She did not know how to explain it, because it was actually not a proper decease she believed he had gotten. It was more.. Maybe.. That he was possessed. When he had been younger, he had talked about a voice in his head, and that was the time after .. Yeah. ”He almost killed me once, but I am no longer sure if it was on purpose. You should know him better than I at the moment, as he took care of you and your cousin.”


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