My new home
Out of Character

Coding by Sie.


In Character

It was being a normal day as any. He was returning from Alaki's dorm, from where he had stayed for about an hour to care for his albine companion. He decided it should be time to get the animals out for the pastures, and he was on his way out of the system when a far away echo met his ears. He didn't recognize the voice at first and was about to ignore it when he heard sobs and something fall on the earthy ground. The male was taken aback for a second and worried for whoever's sake it was.

He went towards the sound, searching for the source. He noticed those tunnels were some of the unnexplored tunnels, but it wouldn't stop the Anzu. Probably someone had gotten lost there. After all, those areas had not yet been properly explored and mapped. To avoid he would also get trapped, as he went, the male forced the blade of his dagger in the walls, scarring them in slashes as he went.

Soon, he found the one making the wipping sound. It was the female he had met not too long ago on the borders, hugged with one of his stray sheep. Now, she was the one lost in these mazes, curled up to the wall. A bundle of sadness and loneliness. The image struck him and his eyes melted in compassionw with his new packmate.

"I see you need some help, ma'am?" He spoke, crouching down with a kind smile on his face. Even in that position, he was still taller than her. That weird change of height made him feel rather protective over her.

In a brief second, her snow white form blurred out and the image of a bloody, wounded female haunted the back of his brain. It was Tayui, while Demi D'Angelo patched her sliced shoulder up. He gulped down that image that have been stalking his mind for some time already. She was doing well so far, though she wouldn't get up yet because of the pain and the threat of the wound opening up again.

The possibility of it happening to the petit woman made his chest turn void of worry. Inferni and Anathema had a feel unnofficial conflicts with eachother, though their leaders tried their best to make it stop. And that attack fo that insane coyote was the drop for the Russian.

"Here." The Russian spoke again, stretching out a hand for the white female, to help her get up.

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