A crow's cry
Out of Character

Coding by Sie.

Epic sweet moves Big Grin

In Character

The Dasa, the other could tell, was the kind of student that wanted to be the best, but also in the fastest way possible. Sadly, it was a paradox. There was no mastering of any technique without time, patience and discipline. In his deep scanning gaze, the Russian could also tell the other was unpleased by something. Maybe his knowledge, maybe his way of teaching... the Anzu wasn't sure of which it wa. Either way, he couldn't stop now. They had barely started!

When the other asked how to do it, the Russian smiled. Not the kind, warm smiles he smiled all the time. No. It was more of a wicked grin a devil would give to its next victim. "That's where I come in, dorogoi uchenik!" The grayish male spoke simply and walked towards his pupil, taking the katana from the holster on the other male's waist, careful not to hit him - even if he moved from the older's sudden actions -, and held it with one hand at first, but then held it properly, angling it so it was about 45° from the horizontal, in the base position. One of his hands rested on the upper half of the handle, while the other gripped right below.

"Take note, malyutka..." He spoke, and let the other look on how he held the weapon at first, and began to perform simple attack and defense moves, stating the names of the grips and moves as he went, slow enough for the other to imprint the image and relate it with the names.

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