It dies upon her heart

Beppe's fingers traced circles into the sand, carving out smooth trenches and making ridges. His deep eyes settled in between the shore and the sky, his peripheral vision picking up the gentle lull of the sea while his ears drowned in its noise. The sound of the sea was so familiar and yet there were small rhythms beneath that were always different, and today, this is what the boy focused on. It was nice to find solace in a different environment, though it was quite nice just to find solace at all.

He didn't respond to the girl as she spoke, figuring that her statement hadn't really been directed at him anyway. She was up and apologizing soon enough, though, and he listened with wide eyes and shook his head. He, surely, didn't look his best either. He took a moment, wondering when the last time he had even seen a brush, but that figure of speech failed... There was a brush in his home, and though he had not even touched it, he had seen it. The boy shrugged as she finished explaining, and as she introduced herself, he smiled. "My name's Beppe, nice to meet you."


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