Your Gonna Be The One That Saves Me
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Sounds good Big Grin 300+

The newly mated man smiled, Mizu had joined AniWaya, as a Kunikoti, all the better. AniWaya did not have a medic before she joined, the Kalona knew medicene, but he was the Kalona and probably had more important things to deal with. So it was with a large deal of luck that Mizu had knowledge of medicene. The absence of a full time medic was incommodious, any persons with an ailment needing to travel elsewhere to get attention. So the arrival of his new mate was a bonus, not just for the Spaniard himself, but for AniWaya itself. He felt a great deal of self pride, in the fact that he had brought sometime useful to the tribe.

And what a lovely day it was to feel good about oneself. The sun was shining and it seemed that the whole of Nova Scotia had burst into bloom. The wildlife was abundant, which mean thtere would be a large amount of meat for everyone to catch, which was good seeing as it hadn't been that long since the snowstorm passed.

White eyes searched the surrounding greenery for rabbits, the Oasis was full of them and it and started a game between the male and himself. Spotting a large flash of brown not so far of, J'adore frowned, it was far to big to be a rabbit. Grabbing the larger hunting knife from his bag, he stood up and advanced towards what he had seen. As he moved closer, he could see this was clearly a deer. It was in a prime position for him to launch himself at, he could of easily caught it, but something was stopping him. A scent of another canine. It smelt somewhat familiar, but he could not put his finger on it. Odds where that this was the hunter of the deer and he would not steal that.


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