predawn chill
Part of the appeal of the early morning hours was the quiet. It was a time to breathe, to think, and make some sense of the day up ahead. In crowded Italy, predawn offered a rare gasp of solitude before some relation or another invaded his space and time. Solitude and thought were not quite qualities one would expect to find in a ruffian like Giuseppe. He himself would be at a loss to tell you why he rose when he did. Yet he must derive something of importance from it, because the habit was ingrained deeply.

Giu was therefore surprised to find he had company (other than the spirited songbirds) and twice astonished to recognize a face he thought he'd left a thousand leagues away. "Antonella" he breathed, before the questions came tumbling "Che fa lei qui? Lei ha visto sua sorella?" It would seem that the surprises in this new land would never cease.

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