Set Fire To The Face On Fire
She was so calming, that angel of an aunt in front of him. She was safe, she was home, she was everything. He found sanctuary under her face, and cuddled up close against her, and she even placed her paw on his shoulder. The warmth comforted him, and he knew nothing of her fear as he stuck his muzzle halfway into the fur on her shoulder, sniffing in the smell of something safe, of home. He closed his eyes. She asked so nicely and he wanted nothing else but to give her all the answers she wanted and more, he would do anything. Why did he look for an attacker? What attacker? Had someone hurt one of her sisters?

Blue eyes opened and he peered up at her, so confused and sad because he did not understand. Was Mew or Melisande hurt? Who would hurt them? She said it was all right, but things were not okay at all. He was afraid of the dark, afraid of the dark creatures that told him to play hide and seek. He did not like that game any longer. Sister attacked, he had gone looking for attacker? He furrowed his browns and closed his eyes again, trying to think. A light headache started throbbing along with his heartbeats. It was Mew, white fur and green eyes, sad eyes. So sad, she had lost something. Yes, he remembered something.

He whimpered quietly into her fur as the headache increased. ” Mew had lost her babies?” He shivered and tried snuggling closer to her, but he was too big and she could not cover him up, he could not hide anywhere. ” So sad, torn.. The coyot.. ” He could see no coyote, what had he done? He tried to think harder, but the images were so so so soo blurry, and his whole head hurt as if someone was chewing on it. ”My head hurts.” It hurt, it hurt, he was being bad, it was not his business. He whimpered a bit louder, and buried his face deeper into the soft fur.


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