black tie event

It's okay! <3

Yes, a party would be something that could cheer up her family. The question was, though, what sort? Her fingers tapped at the ground while she wondered, and her eyes remained focused upon the shining surface of the lake. It wasn't until she heard a voice, familiar enough to bring a smile to her features, that she looked up. "Ah, Mati! Ciao, bella ragazza!" Her hand patted the ground beside her as she offered a place for her niece's woman to sit and relax. She brought her own body up to sit, wrapping her thick hair back in a ponytail to keep it out of her eyes. "Yes, a party! Everyone is so sad, and I want to see if we can't make them smile again. Life is so good! There is no time for this sadness!" She threw her arms out wide to embrace some sort of invisible body. The sun was growing warmer, and the world seemed so much more pleasant than it had over the winter.

Her blue eyes turned to the honey-brown girl nearby. "You want to help me? I think I could use you, you have talent! Sit, sit!" As if a new life had been rekindled in the aging woman, she patted the ground with more fervor and focused on the lake. Ideas buzzed in her head, filling her with thoughts and ideas that she wished to utilize for the betterment of the family. "We could have a big meal, a very large feast, I don't see why not! And the kids, maybe they could play games and get prizes. You could make little presents for them to win! Though, maybe we give them all a prize anyways, so no one is sad at the end." Her words came out faster than her mind could process them, voicing thoughts and opinions and ideas without giving the Church female a chance to respond. Her head finally turned, looking to the younger woman with wide, curious eyes as she waited for input.

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